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Monday, September 26, 2011

The benefits of vacations: Fun in Orlando Florida

Hello friends and readers old and new. Thanks for stopping by!
It's been a couple of weeks since my last posting.
I was simply busy with a few things and enjoying some time in the "Sunshine State".

I can't believe that the last time I went to Florida was when I was a college student. It felt so good to return to the "Sunshine State" especially at this time of the year. My children got the pleasure of visiting Florida for the very first time and it felt good to acquaint them right here on the continental USA with small pleasurable details of my upbringing.

I was so delighted to see once again natural elements that surrounded me during my own childhood. Things such as...
Palm trees,

Hibiscus flowers

Birds of Paradise

 and other tropical flowers like the one below that grew in my backyward and that reminded me of my tropical homeland

I must say the weather and the environment made me pretty nostalgic! What added to the pleasure of being down South is the warmth and hospitality I felt where I stayed and the candor of the many people I met not just as locals but from other parts of the world. ( Canada, Brazil, Australia, just to name a few)

Above is one of my chilling spot for the past evenings...

Well, it's getting late I just wanted to catch up and say a brief hello.

I will share more pictures later so better stay tuned. For now check the link below for more pictures of the spot where I have been "chillaxing" in Orlando. Right across from :

as a matter of fact here's the real view from across the hotel

Oh, I am doing well, pregnancy is going quite well Praise God! I am feeling blessed and hope you are as well.

I am leaving you with this video that I am working on, it's a work in progress but it gives you an idea of what's up with me (smiles) 
 That's all for tonight! Have a great week !

Are you a Florida resident or fan? What's do you like most about Florida? What do you like most about Orlando?
