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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Shrimp soup for the soul and a good night sleep


I slept soooo good last night!Woke up to another cold and rainy day though but I had a good night sleep and I am in a good mood! I love Saturdays so much!Don't you?! Be honest, yesterday you were probably going TGIF!!! I tend to put myself on a Sabbath come Friday evening. Last night I decided to unplug. No Internet, no TV. It has been a cold and rainy day and the week had been a  busy one but a very good one. All I wanted was as quiet night.
I got it by enjoying a warm bowl  of Shrimp bisque soup , talking on the phone to a new friend in Atlanta to get a recipe from her and spending an hour on a prayer conference line with over 3, 700 people on the line. After that I took 20 mns to write in my gratitude journal things I am grateful for.  I had so much to be grateful for, lot of good news, good things going on in my friends' lives, it always cheer me up!

Peaceful dinner with no TV and no Internet and soothing classical music.
   I then got ready for bed by starting my beauty sleep regimen after drinking my last cup of tea for the day.

I poured some almond oil in a small ramekin and started my beauty treatment by dipping my fingers in almond oil and rubbing it on my face in circular motion . I applied  some almond oil on my  hair before wearing my silk cap. I massaged my feet with almond oil before fitting them in my spa socks , and then massaged my hands with almond oil before heading for bed. I sprayed my sheets and pillows with some lavender linen spray and within minutes I was out for the count. 

My room was offering the right atmosphere since 8 pm. I had already dimmed all the lights, been playing some peaceful classical music in the living room to aid my children to fall at sleep and quiet my mind.  The air in my room was filled with the scent of chamomile and soothing my mind! Yeah to aromatherapy! (smiles)
 If you don't know it lavender and chamomile have relaxing  properties. Lavender and Chamomile teas are some of the best tea selection for times when you just need to relax regardless of the time of the day
Soooo.... if you need  a good night sleep, create a peaceful ritual and try aromatherapy, teas etc instead of relying on prescription drugs you see in TV commercials that have their ugly set of side effects. Try creating a sleep and relaxation inducing environment in your room, remove the clutter, have some nice light blocking curtains and blinds and treat yourself to simple things like soft music, a cup of soothing tea, the scent of a candle or room midst and a few moments to reflect quietly on your day and cast your cares. This is a cheaper and healthier alternative to running to prescription drugs as the only tool for improving your sleep. It's worth  trying!!!  Don't you think?!
Psalm 4:4 says  In peace I will lie down and sleep for You alone oh Lord will keep me safe.
I feel like connecting to God once again before bedtime gives me so much peace as I cast on Him my cares of the day and reset my mind for the day ahead.

My small bedtime basket. Keeping my goodies close by to remind me to pamper myself every night.
Well, this little ritual is my way of living, or sleeping I should say.  When I add all those ingredients like I did last night I am always guaranteed a peaceful night, sleeping tight like a baby (smiles).  I think we all deserve to spoil ourselves after a long day. That's my precious way of doing it. Work is important, so is a good night sleep, it's a reward and a necessity for a day well lived!
Well what about you? Do you have any problem sleeping at night? Do you have something that aid you relax and sleep more peacefully? What do you do to get your beauty sleep?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Natural skin care: The benefits of almond oil for skin care and beyond skin care

I was reading some posts on a new blog I follow and I thought it was super funny. In one of her post, Nisha was talking about how she spent money on cosmetics and mentioned that her aunt believes in the virtue of natural products.
I had planned to write today about the benefits of almond oil and in introducing this post I think it's worth mentionning one thing. I believe in " old-wives tales" as Nisha put it in her blog entry " Face value" . (smiles)

  I believe that God in His divine wisdom had initially created the garden of Eden with more beauty, power and mysteries that we could ever fathom. The more I learn about the benefits of a fruit, a vegetable, an oil, the more I am mesmerized by the amazing gifts the universe have freely doted us with. I don't have a bananas tree, a coconut tree or a avocado tree in my backyard like I did as a child and today more than ever I wish I did.

I took so much for granted as a child but we still take much for granted as adults. Sharing the benefits of natural products is my way to embrace the best of nature and of God's gifts to us. It's also  my way of living a better life with as few chemicals as possible.
Today I wanted to talk about Almond oil. Some know it as a carrier oil for massages, some are aware that it's added to many cosmetic products on the shelves in our beauty stores but very few people know it's many benefits...I hope that learning more about it will encourage you to add it in your beauty regimen and your daily life because it's benefits exceed skin care...

Almonds are some of the healthiest nuts to eat but they are not just healthy in their solid form. Almonds are greatly beneficial even as oil.
Almond oil is one of the many vegetables oil that is often used as a carrier oil in aromatherapy. It's a great base oil for essential oils used for massages because it's not as oily as other oils, it a great emollient and moisturizer and it's very absorbent. 
Rich in vitamin E it also contains magnesium, calcium, and vitamin D.
Did you know that almond oil is similar in composition to the oil  babies excrete to keep their skin and hair healthy?! I think it's a better substitute to Baby oil that contains toxic minerals. Sweet almond oil is pure and healthier.
So in addition to being a great massage oil,  almond oil is great  for your hair, for your health and for your skin. It's great for all skin types and a great treatment for dry skins.

Benefits of Almond oil for your hairPour a few drops of almond oil in your palm. Dip your fingertips and apply gently on your scalp. Massage slowly in small circular motions and feel the comfort.Almond oil adds luster to the hair. I personnaly love to use it on my hair to add shine to them and because it doesn't weight them down, plus it seals them so well.
  •  Add shine to the hair
  • Nourishes hair and smooths hair cuticles
  • Promotes hair growth
  • Protects hair from breakage
Benefits of almond oil for your health
Consuming almond oil is beneficial for the digestive system. When used in aromatherapy it has calming and cleansing effects. Almond oil also relieves pain. It is used as an effective painkiller .
  • Regular consumption of almond oil helps reduce cholesterol
  • Nourishes the brain and nervous system
  • Enhances the intellect and endurance
  • Application of almond oil provides relief to strained muscles ( massage benefits)
Benefits of almond oil for your skin
  •  Nourishes the skin, making it smooth and soft because it's an emollient
  • Moisturises deeper and better
  • Delays aging process
  • Improves complexion and helps your skin retain or restore its glow 
  • Soothes skin irritation and inflammation
  • Relieves dry and ichty skin
  • Lighten dark circles under the eyes
  • Heals chapped lips and body rashes
  • Relieves irritations, soreness and burns

Remember that almond oil is rich in Vitamin E , the vitamin that's marvellous for anti-aging and skin protection from sunburn. So there you have a natural oil that's great for your skin and much cheaper than many of the cosmetics brand you rely on for anti-aging and skin protection.  But please keep in mind that uses of almond oil is not safe for people allergic to nuts and that only pure and sweet almond oil is the kind of almond oil you want to use.

Now... with this being shared, when you consider that a bottle of almond oil will cost you less than $10.00  but very few products on the cosmetic aisles are that inexpensive and that rich in natural benefits wouldn't you say that the "old-wives tales" have a lot of truth to them?! ( I am smiling and thinking about Nisha).  If you want the very best for your skin and things in their most effective form  you will have to admit that few commercial products can brag to do so much for us. 

Well, I have personally fallen in love with natural products and believe in them more than ever. But what about you?! Are you one who always have to purchase the best cosmetic advertised on TV  or in the magazines?! Or do you believe in beauty practices that are easy on the wallet but strong on their rewards?!  Do you often use almond oil?! How do you use it?!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Coming soon: the benefits of Almond oil

Due to the fact that I am bilingual and have many friends who are not fluent in English I will have once in a while some posts in French to extend my welcome to them on this blog. Thanks for being understanding and enjoy the other posts available in English. Remember to take some time to become a Follower and share your thoughts by leaving some comments. Thanks!

les bienfaits de l'huile d'amande

  L'huile d'amande est une des huiles les plus populaires et peut etre utiliser pour ses proprietes nutritives, medicales ou simplement pour ses benefices cosmetiques.
Plus souvent utilisees comme huile de base pour des melanges avec des huiles essentielles aromatiques elle a bien de vertus pour la peau et pour les cheveux.
Utilisee sur les cheveux :elle favorise la croissance des cheveux et leur apporte de la finesse et de la brillance.
Utilisee sur la  peau : elle protege contre le vieillessement de la peau, attenue les rides, combat les infections et irritations de la peau.
Quant a ses proprietes nutritives: elle améliore les fonctions digestives de l’organisme,  réduit le cholestérol sanguin,  réduit les contractions musculaires et elle influence d’une manière positive le cerveau, le système nerveux et l’intelligence.
Utilisees vous de l'huile d'amande quotidiennement?! Si oui partagee je vous prie votre experience et les bien faits de l'huile d'amande dans votre vie.
Je vous prie de devenir un Follower et revenir tres souvent.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Natural hair: Deep conditioning recipe for stronger and healthy hair

I have a simple treatment  that I love to do on my daughter's natural hair and wanted to share with you. The previous post is actually a French version that I wrote to encourage my readers who are not fluent in English to feel welcomed on this blog.
The treatment simply calls  for 1 tbsp of honey and 2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil that you would mix with your conditioner. Reserve some apple cider vinegar for your rinse. Here are the simple steps.
  • Shampoo your hair as usual
  • Apply the mixture of honey, olive oil and conditioner ( you can do that with just honey and olive oil)  to your hair until your hair are fully saturated with your mixture. Sit under a hot dryer or simply leave it on.
  • Leave it on for 30-45 minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly with water and a little of apple cider vinegar 
  • Apply some of your conditioner mixture as a leave in- conditioner and
  • Complete your treatment by applying any of the following oils: coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, jojoba oil or any carrier oil of your choosing. I personally stick to the first three simply because they are easier to find.
On my daughter's hair below I applied some almond oil after rinsing her hair and applying a little bit of the conditioning mixture.
Please share with me some of your own homemade hair treats.
Three oils I love using for hair care

Ingredients for this homemade deep conditioning

In the small white bowl honey and olive oil (to mix with or w/o the conditioner) after shampooing

With the shower cap on waiting 30-45 minutes with the deep conditioner on

Soft and shiny hair after deep conditioning and Almond oil to seal her hair.

What kitchen ingredients do you generally use for your homemade deep conditionner? Which of the oila listed above do you use most often on your hair?


Un bon traitement pour avoir les cheveux lustrants

J'offre aujourd'hui un conseil de cheveux pour mes amis francophones qui ne maitrisent pas bien la langue anglaise afin qu'ils se sentent tous encourager de joindre ce site. ( English readers I will post this post in English by Friday so please come back for this one and enjoy the other posts you haven't read yet)

Beaucoup de femmes se plaignent que leur cheveux ne sont pas en tres bonne sante, qu'ils sont fragilent et qu'ils se cassent facilement. Cela est juste des symptoms de cheveux qui ne sont pas tres bien entretenu et qui sont malnourri pas forcement que la personne a de mauvais cheveux juste qu'il faut plus d'information et plus de soins. J'ai pour ma part constatee que faire regulierement un bain d'huile est une pratique indispensable a la bonne sante des cheveux.
Pour commencer laver vos cheveux  avec du shampoin ou avec un demelant/shampoin. Melanger a votre demelant une cuilleree de miel et de cuilleree d'huile d'olive. Apliquer ce melange afin qu'il sature vos cheveux et assiez  vous avec un bonnet a douche sous un casque ou garder le bonnet 30-45 minutes. J'admet que pour celles en Afrique c'est fort possible de se passer du casque vu la chaleur en temps normal.
Rinser completement vos cheveux et ajouter un peu de vinaigre de cidre de pomme a l'eau du rinsage. Vous pouvez aplliquer un tout petit peu de votre melange precedent et le laisser dans vos cheveux et finaliser avec applications d'une des  huiles suivantes plutot que de mettre de la pommade:
 de l'huile de coco, de l'huile d'avocat, de l'huile de jojoba, de l'huile d'olive, de l'huile d'amande ou de l'huile "castor" ( je ne sais plus en francais desolee)

Quelques huiles que vous pouvez utiliser pour vos cheveux.

Miel et huile d'olive a melanger avec le demelant a cheveux

Elle vaque a ses occupations pendant son bain d'huile!

Ses cheveux apres son bain d'huile!

Faites ce traitement ou une fois par semaine de preference ou chaque 2 semaines et vous etes guarantie des cheveux en tres bonnes sante.

Je vous prie de partager avec moi  et autres lecteurs ici vos astuces pour maintenir  vos cheveux en bonne sante. J'espere que cette information vous sera utile. Je vous prie de considerer et pardonner le fait que mon clavier n'est pas francophone et je n'ai aucune idee comment mettre les accents et maintenir l'orthographe appropriee pour les mots francais.
Prennez le temps de joindre ce site, jetter un coup d'oeil sur les autres articles car bien qu'il y en ait beaucoup en anglais il y a plein de photos et de video que vous trouverez que serviraient bien d'inspiration. S'il vous plait laisser vos commentaires meme en francais car ca fait toujour plaisir de savoir ce que vous pensez!

update: 30 Avril 2011.
Je vous invite a devenir un Follower de ce site et a joindre notre communaute sur Facebook en aimant la page Goodhealthdiva.  S'il y a des articles/ themes que vous aimerez que j'adresse en francais faite moi par de vos suggestions a goodhealthdiva@gmail.com! Depuis la redaction de cet article je constate que beaucoup de personne l'on lu sans y laisser leur avis.  Laisser votres avis, laissez moi savoir ce que vous aimerez lire en francais, partagez librement ce qui vous interresse afin que ce site devienne plus confortable.
Il y a un article bilingue que vous aimerez peut etre c'est celui ci: http://goodhealthdiva.blogspot.com/2011/04/recipe-for-egg-facial-mask-for-natural.html

Encore une fois, meme si vous n'etes pas tres confortable avec l'anglais prennez un moment pour voir les autres articles car il y a beaucoup de photos sur ce site et a defaut de comprendre les textes en anglais les images vous serviront d'inspiration et les commentaires meme en francais sont toujours agreables a lire!
J'espere vous voir plus souvent ici et avoir le plaisir de lire frequemment vos commentaires! Merci!